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Believe Better !

Belief Becomes You...It is all about what we believe about who we are, and our value in the world.  Whatever we believe drives our behavior, thoughts and emotions. Would you like to Believe Better?

Do you feel you are living a Thriving Life?

Can you look at your life and feel that you are Truly Thriving?


Do you ever feel like you’re just getting by, rather than truly living? or Worse; feeling stuck, not knowing how to move forward, intuitively knowing: there must be more?


 Imagine transforming your life from merely surviving to genuinely thriving! We learn how to survive through so many hardships thrown at us, but then when do we start to move from just surviving to living a life we love? Our brain's default system will keep us in surviving, unless, or until we start to understand how to reset this old belief blueprint.


Your core beliefs, often shaped by childhood experiences, can unknowingly hold you back.

These deep-seated, unconscious beliefs might be silently sabotaging your happiness and potential.


As I have experienced in my own life, after living in surviving for so many years, you can learn how to change your default belief system, which was built on what you needed to do to just survive and/or manage.  I lived there, and after being diagnosed with Kidney Cancer, was faced with a life or death belief crisis.  I chose life. The process I created to heal myself that has given me 22+ years of life after diagnosis, continues to work to expand more joy and thriving in my life on a daily basis. 


Even better: I have discovered, embraced, and now embody the authentic, unique gifts of who I am, that I never even noticed prior to clearing/healing my negative beliefs about myself.  My potential is now unlimited!  This is the gift of the process of D.A.R.E. Your Beliefs:



  • D - Discover your unconscious, limiting beliefs that restrict your true self.

  • A - Assess where these beliefs originated and how they prevent you from receiving what you desire.

  • R - Recreate new beliefs that align with who you truly are and what you want to achieve.

  • E - Expand on these new beliefs as you learn to integrate them into your new life.


I offer a safe space for you to explore and recognize the best of who you authentically are. Through my unique process, D.A.R.E. Your Beliefs.  You can break free from these limitations, discover your full potential and and truly wake up each day, loving your life. 


When you upgrade your beliefs, you will experience better relationships, better job/career opportunities, become better at leadership, parenting, better financial abundance, and better health, as our health is completely tied to what we believe about who we are.


Are you ready to receive?  Let's Go!!!


Dive into our heartfelt collection of Books, Services, Classes, Workshops, and Thrive~In’s. Each resource is designed to help you embrace a life filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together and discover the thriving life you were always meant to live!

To test out where you feel you currently are in living a thriving life, study he scale below and see what number you resonate with:

Where are you on the Thriving Scale?

Transformative Wellness Event in North Carolina: Elevate Your Best Self for $9.99! Join us for an empowering online experienc
You can expand the Thriving in your life from a 1-2 on the Thriving Scale to Optimum Wellness at 9-10 by simply changing your beliefs.

Find out how! See our offerings below.





I am so excited that you are here exploring the steps to discover the authentic you, and your authentic gifts!  It took me many, many years to discover me, but it has been so worth it.  As I have been able to re-create the process I utilized on myself after studying mind, body wellness for over 20 years, I am thankful that I am now able to share with you, streamlining the process, so you can start to see and feel the difference in your life within 6 weeks. 

Isn't it time to start living a life of thriving?

Please go to "My Story" page to read about my journey of healing.  

I look forward to seeing you on the other side of your beliefs!

Best Wishes,

Trish Heitz


Patricia Heitz, NBC-HWC Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach,
Author: Daydreams Come True ~ Self Coaching Workbook
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